
Malabar nut: Uses and Benefits you need to know

Uses and benefits of Adhatoda vasica Introduction Vasica or Vasaka is one of the most common herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used since ancient times, and even today it is considered sacred by many people around the world. It's also known as Adhatoda vasica or Indian pennywort. Adhatoda vasaka, is one of the most common herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine. Adhatoda vasaka, is a shrub native to India. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine and also known as adhatoda, as it has many uses and benefits. It can be used for treating a wide variety of ailments such as coughs and colds; diarrhea; fever; leprosy; stomach problems such as ulcers or constipation. Photo credit: Uses The plant Adhatoda vasica is an herb used to treat skin problems and wounds, among other things. It can also be consumed as food or used as a spice in recipes. The history of Adhatoda vasica dates back to ancient times, when it was used by the

9 Proven Ways to Whiten and Glow Your Skin Naturally

  9 Ways to Make Your Skin White and Glowing Naturally Image Source: FreeImages ‍ In order to make your skin appear lighter, you might have already tried a wide range of whitening skincare products. But how about ditching the chemical-laden cosmetics and opt for natural remedies instead? Your skin will love it. With these 9 tips, you can get glowing and fairer skin without the help of any cosmetic product. These natural remedies with antioxidant properties will also help reduce pimples and acne scars for good. So read on and get ready to ditch the artificial lighteners forever! Go for a natural skin lightening cream If you want to go for a natural skin lightening cream, you can try safron and almond. To make the mixture, you will have to grind almonds and saffron in a mixer. Then, apply the cream on your face, neck and the rest of your body after every 15-20 days to remove tan and make your skin fair. You can also make a face pack of sandalwood and neem leaves and it will be very good

The Wonders of Cloves (Kanumfari)

  The Wonders of Cloves: The Numerous Ways We Can Use It as a Natural Remedy ‍ Did you know that cloves have many uses? Apart from using it as a natural remedy for toothache or as a fragrant spice to flavor your food, cloves can be used to treat numerous conditions. Cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean, there are several unique benefits of clove oil. It is often extracted from the dried flower buds of an essential oil tree called Syzygium aromaticum that originates from Indonesia and India. Below you will learn more about the amazing properties of cloves that can be used for numerous purposes. Disclaimer: Always Consult Your Doctor Before Using This Remedy It is important that before you start using this natural remedy, you consult your doctor. This is because some people may be allergic to cloves and its derivatives. Consult your doctor before using it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have diabetes or epilepsy, or have liv

Hidden health benefits of Neem leaf (azadirachta indica )

  Hidden health benefits of azadirachta indica Introduction Neem is a popular medicinal herb that has several health benefits. It can be used for the treatment of various diseases and has many other uses as well. Neem's health benefits include fighting off bacteria, soothing sore throats and coughings, killing harmful bacteria and preventing hair loss among others. In this article we will discuss some of these hidden secrets about neem which you may not know about! Fights Dandruff Dandruff is a common problem that affects both men and women. It’s caused by the growth of yeast on the skin, which can cause dry itchy patches to appear on your scalp. Neem oil is an excellent natural remedy for dandruff because it acts as an effective anti-fungal agent against this condition. You can use neem oil in your daily beauty routine or as part of a special treatment plan for various types of hair loss problems like seborrheic dermatitis (which causes oily scaling scalp), psoriasis and eczema am

Looks familiar right? Sida Acuta (wire weed) is an annual herbaceous plant with numerous health benefits

 Sida Acuta (wireweed) Introduction Sida Acuta (also known as wireweed) is an annual herbaceous plant that is a member of the mallow family (Malvaceae). Sida Acuta has several medicinal uses, including ache relief, fever reduction and urinary tract infections. It can be made into a tea. The root of sida acuta has been used to treat urinary tract infections in humans; however more research needs to be done before we know whether or not this treatment works well enough for everyday use. Sida Acuta (also known as wireweed) is an annual herbaceous plant that is a member of the mallow family (Malvaceae). Sida Acuta is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae). Its leaves are opposite and have short petioles. It has many medicinal uses and has been used since ancient times in India and other parts of Asia. In addition to its use as a medicine, sida acuta can also be used as an ornamental plant because its flowers are white with purple borders around them when t

Medicinal and health benefits of sida cordifolia(Flannel weed)

  Medicinal and health benefits of sida cordifolia Introduction Sida cordifolia has multiple uses in natural remedies. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, sida cordifolia is used for bone fractures, infection and abdominal pain. This plant has also been reported to reduce fever and swelling. It may be useful for treating snakebites and insect bites as well as reducing fever in patients who have just been bitten by a poisonous snake or scorpion. Sida cordifolia is an annual herb that grows about three feet in height and is covered with short coarse hairs. Sida cordifolia is an annual herb that grows about three feet in height and is covered with short coarse hairs. The leaves are very large, lance-shaped, and pointed at the apex. The flowers are white to pinkish in color and grow in clusters at the top of the stem or on side branches near the base of each leaf. Identify sida cordifolia by its lanceolate-shaped leaves, which are arranged opposite of each other on the stem. Sida cordifolia