9 Proven Ways to Whiten and Glow Your Skin Naturally


9 Ways to Make Your Skin White and Glowing Naturally


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In order to make your skin appear lighter, you might have already tried a wide range of whitening skincare products. But how about ditching the chemical-laden cosmetics and opt for natural remedies instead? Your skin will love it. With these 9 tips, you can get glowing and fairer skin without the help of any cosmetic product. These natural remedies with antioxidant properties will also help reduce pimples and acne scars for good. So read on and get ready to ditch the artificial lighteners forever!

Go for a natural skin lightening cream

If you want to go for a natural skin lightening cream, you can try safron and almond. To make the mixture, you will have to grind almonds and saffron in a mixer. Then, apply the cream on your face, neck and the rest of your body after every 15-20 days to remove tan and make your skin fair. You can also make a face pack of sandalwood and neem leaves and it will be very good for your skin.

Add turmeric to your diet

The best skincare tip to make your skin fairer naturally is to add turmeric in your diet. Turmeric is a widely used ingredient in Indian households. This wonder spice is not just beneficial to your health, but also to your skin. It is a natural skin lightening agent and works best to fade out the dark spots and blemishes from your skin. You can add turmeric to your daily diet or make a turmeric face mask. You can also prepare a turmeric scrub to get a brighter and fairer skin. Just mix turmeric in water to make a paste. Then, apply the paste on your face, neck and the rest of your body. Let the turmeric sit on your skin for 20-25 minutes,then wash off with Luke warm water.

Inclusion of green leafy vegetables in your diet

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, okra, mint and dill leaves are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is a skin-friendly nutrient that regulates the production of melanin in the body. When the melanin production is reduced, your skin appears fairer. So, include these green leafy vegetables in your diet to make your skin fairer naturally. You can also include carrots, sweet potatoes and red bell peppers to your diet as they are rich in beta-carotene. This carotenoid helps your body to form Vitamin A.

Dabbing of lemon and lime juice

The rich citrus content present in the lemon and lime juice helps fade away the dark spots and pigmentation from your skin. The citric acid in these fruits lightens your skin naturally and fades away the spots. You can dab the lemon or lime juice on your face and neck. Leave it on your skin for a few minutes before washing it off. You can also apply lime juice on your face as a face pack to make your skin fairer.

Apply sweet almond oil regularly

Sweet almond oil is one of the best natural ingredients that help in making the skin fairer. Regular application of this oil can reduce the appearance of dark spots and blemishes from your skin. The skin-friendly components and fatty acids in sweet almond oil help in making your skin fairer. You can apply sweet almond oil on your face, neck and the rest of your body every day. You can also add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the sweet almond oil to make it more effective.

Apply paste of gram flour and fenugreek

Fenugreek is one of the most effective ingredients for making your skin fairer. You can prepare a paste of gram flour and fenugreek to make your skin fairer. You can also add curd to the ingredients to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your face, neck and the rest of your body. Let the paste sit on your skin for a minimum of 20 minutes. Scrub the paste lightly on your skin and wash it off with warm water. Repeat the process 2-3 times in a week to make your skin fairer.

Use sandalwood and roti mitti (fuller's earth) as a mask.

Fuller's earth is a natural ingredient that helps in making your skin fairer. You can make a sandalwood and fuller's earth mask to make your skin fairer. Add 2-3 tablespoons of fullers earth and 2 tablespoons of sandalwood to curd to make the mask. You can also add 2-3 tablespoons of fuller's earth to yogurt to make the mask. Apply the mask on your face, neck and the rest of your body. Let the mask sit on your skin for 20 minutes. Scrub the mask lightly on your skin and wash it off with water. Repeat the process twice in a week to make your skin fairer.


Now that you know the secrets to a fairer and healthier looking skin, there is no reason not to try these tips. They are all easy and inexpensive to do and can be used anywhere, anytime. These tips will not only make your skin look great, but will also boost your confidence as it will make you feel more beautiful. So, what are you waiting for? Start incorporating these tips into your daily life to get fairer skin naturally.


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